Elizabeth Rasnick, Ph.D.
Information Technologist * Computer Scientist * Cybersecurity Educator

Service Philosophy
Service spills into my teaching and vice versa. Many of my service activities are an extension of my teaching. The flow between them is natural for me. I serve at the department, college, university, and profession levels. In addition, I serve my community in my personal time. Service is highly important to me.
Department Level Service
Women In Technology, student organization faculty advisor
Assessment Committee
Graduation Committee
College Level Service
Student Research Symposium Judge
Faculty Senate Alternate
Commencement Reader Alternate
University Level Service
Core Course Coordinator
Student Success Committee Chair
Assistant Director of CDE-CAE
Profession Level Service
Service to the Profession
Vice President, Northern Alabama Affiliate, Women in Cyber Security
Founding Board Member, Georgia Affiliate, Women in Cyber Security
Student Paper Track Chair, SEDSI
IEEE Simulation, paper reviews
CCERP, journal and conference reviews